Brave Hearts Bold Minds
At Scots, we value the quest for excellence through adventure, curiosity, creativity and growth. Our desired learning outcome is a young man who is equipped to flourish in the future – one who has a firm grasp of his humanity, working to develop his true masculinity and to strengthen himself in every way possible. To learn more about our Brave Hearts Bold Minds education philosophy, download our handbook.
Reinventing Education

It Is Time to Reinvent Education

Education as experienced by previous generations is no longer fit for purpose. Our children will have vastly different career paths from those we are familiar with, so schools can no longer educate students for jobs that won’t exist. We must prepare our students for roles, organisations and industries that haven’t even been imagined yet. The needs of contemporary Australian students have shifted, and the way we educate must evolve to reflect these new demands.
Academic Program
The Preparatory School curriculum is taught throughout the Early Learning Centre (Transition to Year 1), the Junior Preparatory School (Years 2 to 4) and the Senior Preparatory School (Years 5 to 6). The Early Learning Centre nurtures and educates students as young as three and four using Reggio Emilia practices within school-based hours, before formal schooling is undertaken from Kindergarten to Year 6. The Preparatory School provides a range of enriching experiences, developing a joy and passion for learning, self-confidence and an enduring value system for boys. The Preparatory School also offers long day care at Rose Bay Early Years Centre, where three and four year old boys are educated with the same Reggio Emilia practices as the Early Learning Centre, and which was rated ‘Exceeding’ in all seven national quality standards under the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).
The Senior School provides a NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) mandated curriculum. For example, Year 7 students are to choose a language they would like to study offered at the College, including Chinese, French, Indonesian and Latin. From Year 8, it is then optional for students to continue with their chosen or different language, to pursue in their Senior years. Year 9 students are grouped into two intakes and participate in Scots’ unique experiential opportunity that is the Glengarry Outdoor Education program. These two terms per intake are renowned for providing generations of defining moments for Year 9 boys as they grow into men.
Teaching Calibre
Along with Scots boys, our staff too are committed to the Quest for Excellence through lifelong learning. At the founding of The Scots College in 1893, the moderator of the Presbyterian Church described its teachers as those who had won the highest honours in university, knew how to teach Australian boys and saw their vocation as “a work of faith, a labour of love, and a patience of hope”. Today, teachers at the College continue in that spirit while also advancing our vision for Reinventing Education. Through a range of applied professional learning programs and courses of study, they continue to develop both the technical skills of the classroom and the deeper elements of expertise: vocational clarity, philosophical depth and entrepreneurial thinking.
Brave Hearts Bold Minds Podcast
 “We are all measured by what sort of people we have become. At The Scots College, we strive to foster brave hearts and bold minds in every Scots boy through challenges and passion born of adventure.” Dr Ian PM Lambert, Principal
“The Brave Hearts Bold Minds podcast series uncovers practical tools with which parents of school age boys can engage, encourage and challenge their sons for wisdom and compassion.” Leigh Hatcher

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The Presbyterian Church (New South Wales) Property Trust T/A The Scots College, Sydney Australia
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William Elder


Mr Alan Elder was born in Scotland and migrated to Australia with his parents at a young age. He attended The Scots College for all his schooling, graduating in 1944. He played 1st XI Cricket and was a member of the College Cadet Unit. After leaving school Mr Elder studied accountancy and retained a life-long love of the College, especially the Pipes and Drums. Mr Elder never married, however the significant bequest he left will allow his Scots family to remember him through the Lang Walker Business Centre.