The Scots College is more than just a school for boys.
Academic excellence is critically important, and our record demonstrates our success. But Scots aims for an even higher goal. We prepare boys to succeed in a world that is constantly being reinvented. Our deep understanding of how boys grow and learn is captured in our Brave Hearts Bold Minds education philosophy. This means we support every boy, at every stage of development, to become a confident, well-grounded young man of integrity. These boys will become the fine young men of the next generation who will, in turn, reinvent their world. This is why academic success alone does not prepare boys for the future. A strong sense of identity, values and character is vital. The College has intentionally chosen a path where active learning works with academic excellence. Our local, national and international programs inspire our boys to become principled, compassionate and engaged citizens of their College, their community and their world. Our Christian mission and values frame our quest to nurture wise young men, with a worldview that encompasses knowledge of the past, perceptive insight into the present and innovative thinking about our global future together. This is the Scots Advantage. Scots to the fore!       Dr Ian PM Lambert Principal, The Scots College

Learn about the Scots Advantage from our Old Boys

Chanuth Tansomboon, Class of 2009

“I can list about 20 teachers from Scots that really meant a lot to me. They watched me grow from a 13 year old boy into a 17 year old man, and to have that sort of guidance is what I’ll truly cherish for the rest of my life. I genuinely do not think I would be the person I am without Scots.”

Brett Brown, Class of 2002

“Scots helped me discover my passion for acting and music … Of everything I have gained through my education at the College, Scots has given me real resilience, strength, determination and a love of the arts. That is the Scots Advantage and I am very grateful for it.”

Yu Zhang, Class of 2000

“The greatest advantage every Scots boy gets is the wealth of opportunities available to them to discover and nurture whatever talent they have.”

Thomas Whalan, Class of 1998

 “Scots is very good at championing responsibility, confidence and leadership … The Scots Advantage is not just about growing a student, but a person who is ready to take on the world. You never really finish with The Scots College.” 

Mark Robinson, Class of 1997

“The combination of experiences you’re exposed to at Scots gives you the chance to practise your craft in front of an audience, which for a young musician is just gold.”

Gavin Stuart, Class of 1990

“I came out of Scots believing I could achieve anything if I worked hard … From my experiences at Scots, I can see the benefit of hard work, practice and commitment. Scots gave me a clear mind, clear focus and the confidence to pursue my dreams. The Scots Advantage is not what I am but who I am as a man.”

Scott McCalman, Class of 1982

“The things I took from Scots were, first and foremost, four words I distinctly remember: success, achieve, desire and positive. Those things have really stayed with me, especially being positive. Just being a positive person has really helped me in life and I absolutely got that at Scots.”

The Quigley Family, Class of 1978

“The Scots Advantage for [us] is all about persistence and tenacity … In this game, things can get pretty tough at times. I think Scots teaches you self-reliance and tenacity to see it through to the end. Scots boys never give up.”

Lt Col Rowan Tink AM, Class of 1973

“An education at Scots is a once in a lifetime opportunity, one that I have cherished … I was able to learn discipline, perseverance, organisation and teamwork. I believe the Scots Advantage is in developing character and responsible individuals. In that way, Scots provided me with a significant advantage in life.”

Professor Graeme Clark AC, Class of 1951

“Scots helped me to develop a love and appreciation of the sciences and inspired me to pursue my vision with faith, determination and hard work. I am fortunate to have received a scholarship to attend The Scots College. I owe so much to the Scots Advantage.”

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William Elder


Mr Alan Elder was born in Scotland and migrated to Australia with his parents at a young age. He attended The Scots College for all his schooling, graduating in 1944. He played 1st XI Cricket and was a member of the College Cadet Unit. After leaving school Mr Elder studied accountancy and retained a life-long love of the College, especially the Pipes and Drums. Mr Elder never married, however the significant bequest he left will allow his Scots family to remember him through the Lang Walker Business Centre.