Payments and Forms
- Registration Fee – payable upon completing an Application for Enrolment.
- Entrance Fee – payable once your family accepts a confirmed offer at The Scots College.
- Online Academic Assessment Fee – applicable only to families living overseas and interstate.
School Fees
The following are different ways you can choose to pay your College fees.
- Direct Debit (annually, termly or monthly on 15th and 30th) by completing and submitting a Direct Debit Request Form.
- BPay through your financial institution using Biller Code 575639 and your online and BPay reference number via your Fee Statement.
- Parent Portal, use your Schoolbox credentials to login.
- Flexible payment options are available through Edstart to pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly over 12 months and/or spread payments over a longer period. To apply and for terms and conditions visit
- For international students paying from overseas use the College’s account with Convera Business Solutions Global Pay for Students.
- Directly using credit or debit cards via Payway.
- Contact for alternative payment arrangements, including fees in advance.

Bus Passes
- Apply and order via this College Trybooking link for new or current students of The Scots College.
- Apply and order via Trybooking for girls attending an independent girls’ school in the Eastern Suburbs.
Other Payments
- Please pay for individual camps, tours and excursions via Consent2Go.
- For adhoc items including events, please use your Schoolbox login to pay via Parent Portal.