Junior Preparatory School

Year group: Years 2 to 4 Location: 7 Mansion Road, Bellevue Hill NSW 2023 Other: Before and After School Care and Extra Activities available
Cultivating Wonder
Little boys from the Early Learning Centre (Transition to Year 1) graduate and progress to the Junior Preparatory School in Years 2 to 4 where they are guided to see the link between academic and personal growth. During these formative years in Years 2 to 4, boys continue to strengthen their literacy and numeracy skills in addition to studying Human Society and its Environment, Science and Technology, Visual Arts, Music, Physical Education, Drama, Dance and Christian Studies.
Senior Preparatory School
Year group: Years 5 and 6 Location: Corner Ginahgulla Road and Victoria Road, Bellevue Hill NSW 2023 Other: Before and After School and Extra Activities Available
Mastering their World
Progressing ever closer to the Senior School (Years 7 to 12), the Senior Preparatory years are a boy’s next learning journey in their personal quest for mastery. His world begins to expand and during these years, boys focus on fostering the virtues of compassion, truthfulness, stewardship and ‘servant leadership’ through Scots’ Leadership Program. These areas are cultivated through the many opportunities presented through curricular, co-curricular and sporting activities.
Preparatory School Honours Program
The Scots College Honours Program is designed to cultivate, test and defend student ideas and encourage reflection as a tool for improvement. This may include self-awareness on an individual level or a sense of responsibility within a wider social context. The program provides notably differentiated course work in the core subject areas of English and Mathematics and thinking dispositions for boys in Kindergarten to Year 6. Our mission is to help identify and support the students in our community with exceptional academic potential. To find out more download the Preparatory School Honours Program.

Contact Us

Contact us if you are interested to find out more about the Junior or Senior Preparatory School by calling, registering for an information morning or complete an expression of interest form.

Junior Preparatory School
Senior Preparatory School

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The Presbyterian Church (New South Wales) Property Trust T/A The Scots College, Sydney Australia
| ABN: 86 438 712 994 | CRICOS Provider Code: 02287G

William Elder


Mr Alan Elder was born in Scotland and migrated to Australia with his parents at a young age. He attended The Scots College for all his schooling, graduating in 1944. He played 1st XI Cricket and was a member of the College Cadet Unit. After leaving school Mr Elder studied accountancy and retained a life-long love of the College, especially the Pipes and Drums. Mr Elder never married, however the significant bequest he left will allow his Scots family to remember him through the Lang Walker Business Centre.