It is Time to Reinvent Education
Education – as you and I experienced it – is no longer fit for purpose. A one-size-fits-all approach is failing our nation’s children.
Watch our video to find out how Scots is planning its education for the future.

Our Strategic Intent
Our children will have vastly different career paths to our own. We are standing on the edge of the greatest shift in work since the industrial revolution, and the needs of contemporary Australian students have totally shifted. The way we educate has not evolved to meet these new demands. Schools can no longer educate students for jobs that will not exist. We must prepare them for roles that have not even been imagined yet.
John Cunningham Student Centre
In line with our commitment to prepare students for the future, the College received government approval to begin works on the former Stevenson Library. The upgrade of this facility to become the new John Cunningham Student Centre will deliver essential student amenities and learning spaces that focus on learning support, student counselling, academic research and professional learning.
To learn more about this project, how to get involved or access its concepts and project documents, click the button below.

The Scots College Foundation
Since 1993, the Foundation has supported the continued advancement of The Scots College through financial support of its capital development and scholarship programs.
The Foundation’s ultimate objective is to provide the College with long-term financial security through establishing and maintaining an independent capital base. To achieve this, the Foundation provides for the sound administration of an ongoing philanthropic program.