Science has never been more exciting for Year 5 boys at The Scots College, who recently took part in two separate workshops, ‘Light and Colour’ and ‘Create a Buzz’, as part of the annual ‘Fizzics Education’ Science Incursion, which aims to bring a new level of fun to the Science classroom.
“Last year proved to be such a success that it has created an air of excitement and anticipation as the boys look forward to participating this year,” says Miss Stephanie Comino, Preparatory School Science Facilitator at Scots.
The ‘Light and Colour’ workshops focused on light, filling the classroom with colour as the students learnt about the properties of light during this fun and interactive science workshop. “It is almost like a magic show”, says Miss Comino, “where the boys get to mix creative, colour changing chemical concoctions, experience illusions and more.”
The ‘Create a Buzz’ workshop, run for the first time this year, focused on explaining what electricity is and how the scientific understanding of it determines energy usage.
The fun had at the workshops is incognito for the boys, who are actually fulfilling the syllabus requirements. “The syllabus outcome is for students to describe how scientific understanding about the transformation of electricity is related to making decisions about its use. The other element that constitutes the syllabus is being able to use scientific knowledge about the transfer of light to solve problems that directly affect people’s lives”, noted Miss Comino.
Photo: Year 5 students Finn O’Neil, Ed Wright and Madden Williams wearing the fun color glasses.