A boarder’s perspective: Charlie Hawthorne (Year 11)
Meet Charlie Hawthorn, a current Year 11 boarding student at The Scots College – located in Bellevue Hill, Sydney. Charlie enjoys various subjects and sports at the College, studying: Advanced English, Business Studies, Design and Technology, Maths, Physics, and Sport Lifestyle and Recreation Studies. Charlie plays the Tenor Drum in the Pipes and Drums and represents […]
10 things to consider when selecting a boarding school
Sending a child to boarding school is a major decision for a family. But how do you pick the right boarding school option? First and foremost, parents must ensure boarding is the right choice for their child as not every student will be suited to a boarding environment, just as not every school fits every […]
Top 11 questions to ask a school’s admissions staff
The questions you ask a school’s Admissions staff will be entirely dependent on where you are in the process of choosing a school for your child. If you are just starting the journey of selecting a school for your child or children, here are 11 must ask questions: When should I apply? If you are just […]
How a boarding heritage influences school culture
Many factors influence a school’s culture, but something you may not have considered is the influence a boarding heritage has on the overall development of ‘community’ within a school. In the case of The Scots College, Principal Dr Ian PM Lambert believes that that boarders “play an enormous role in the historical and cultural life […]
What are the benefits of boarding school?
The decision to send a child to a boarding school can be a difficult one for a family. But for many parents, there is little alternative as local schooling options may be limited or non-existent. While this isn’t always the case, there are many factors parents need weigh up when considering boarding. Boarding schools often […]