In preparing the proposal, we have considered feedback and submissions from the community.
From this, we know that our neighbours value views across Botany Bay, the heritage character of Primrose House and they want privacy, traffic, noise and construction impacts minimised.
As part of the DA, we will prepare a revised Plan of Management to guide the operations of the campus, implementing the recommended mitigation measures from a series of technical reports.
All reports and the Plan of Management will be available for the community to view once the DA is placed on public exhibition by Bayside Council.
Height and Privacy
To minimise impacts on our neighbours’ views and privacy, the proposal includes construction of predominantly single-storey buildings with no student-accessible balconies or pathways along the campus boundary. Existing fencing will also provide privacy screening to all windows facing this boundary.
The multi-purpose hall includes a pitched roof, contributing to an extra two metre height, which is just under the height of a two-storey building.
To protect view corridors for our neighbours, the roof’s highest point is angled towards the existing tree.
Visual analysis will be conducted as part of the DA and will be lodged to Bayside Council for assessment.
As part of the DA, an acoustic report is being prepared to assess the potential impact of additional noise once operational.
This assessment may include installing noise loggers on surrounding properties to determine existing noise levels, including student-generated noise, as the baseline for assessment.
Once operational, our design has also sought to minimise noise impacts by keeping all pathways and student movement corridors away from the site boundary.
Consistent with this approach, we have not historically, do not currently and will not in the future, make use of a PA system or bell for communication with students.
Traffic and Parking
In line with Bayside Council’s Development Control Plan, the DA includes an internal car park for 13 car spaces, including one accessible parking space. This car park will be used for staff and faculty only.
Once operational, parents and carers will continue to use the existing Council car park during pick-up and drop-off and school buses will continue to use the Council allocated bus zones when transporting students for Sport.
We have commissioned a traffic impact assessment as part of the DA which will assess the potential impact associated with an increase in student numbers and propose mitigation measures if required.
A site-specific traffic management plan will also be prepared as part of the DA to guide efficient traffic management once operational.